

🌟 Supporting Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Understanding Painful Crises In Winter

Did you know that in sickle cell anaemia, the red blood cells can change shape when they're short on oxygen, creating a 'sickle' shape that can get stuck in small blood vessels?


It is a week already since we launched Crescent Kids newsletter [Little dance*]

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Today, let’s take a moment to understand Sickle Cell and how it affects our little superheroes in the Winter Season! 🦸‍♂️💪

What is Sickle Cell?

Sickle Cell is a condition that makes a person’s blood cells look like little crescent moons. These crescent-shaped cells can get stuck in blood vessels and cause painful crises. In colder climates during winter, this can happen more often.

Painful Crises: What are They?

Children with Sickle Cell often experience what is called a “painful crisis.” It’s a sudden, severe pain that occurs when sickled red blood cells block blood flow. These crises can last for hours or even days and might require hospital visits.

Before then, I hope these tips somewhat make the pain less.

Tips to Help During a Painful Crisis:

1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help prevent cells from sticking together.

2. Keep Warm:Staying warm can reduce the risk of a crisis.

3. Pain Management:Gentle massage or warm baths can sometimes help ease the pain.

4. Medication: Follow the doctor’s prescribed medication and treatment plans.

For more resources, please visit our youtube page

Supporting Our Superheroes:

Let’s be understanding and supportive of children facing Sickle Cell Anemia and their families. A little empathy and care go a long way in making their journey a bit easier.

Crescent Kids sends out winter packs in the colder months for warriors living in the UK. See link to our past work here


Did we miss anything?

What tips have helped? What tip do you think would be helpful? Please share 😁

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🖐Schao (Ciao),

Untill next Thursday,


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A UK charity driving Digital Health Initiatives for kids and families impacted by Sickle Cell and Thalasseamia.

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